DISCLAIMER: the following content is SATIRICAL and was created purely for entertainment purposes. No advertisements produced are official products of Chevrolet, nor should they be considered as such.

I have so much respect for two-dollar store owners. They have essentially figured out how to commercialise landfill.

I don’t care if you’re the most pragmatic person on planet earth and live your life by a spreadsheet. Each and every one of us has been tempted by a useless item in one of these stores at one time or another.

“Ah yes, I do need a ketchup bottle shaped like a dachshund.”

And what is with the prices in these places?

I went into one the other day and could not believe the extortion that was taking place.

I’m talking about bath mats for $80. Poker sets for $150.

It’s like they’re running their own currency, with no concept of actual value.

Two-dollar shop. The name is misleading. If their advertisements were honest, then they would be called ‘Lots-of-Dollars’ shops. Or the ‘the tip’.

Which leads me to my series: If [insert brand] ads were honest.

Inspired by the legendary work of Sniff Petrol, I’ll be producing honest [not] advertisements for a manufacturer of choice.

Today’s focus is Chevrolet. Enjoy.

Chevrolet Suburban

Chevrolet Camaro ZL1

Chevrolet Express Van

Chevrolet Spark

Chevrolet Silverado

Chevrolet Malibu

Chevrolet Bolt EV

Chevrolet Equinox EV

Chevrolet Camaro LT

Chevrolet Silverado EV

Chevrolet Corvette Z06

Chevrolet Equinox

Chevrolet Silverado 3500 HD

Chevrolet Corvette

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